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      Case Study

      How increased engagement of users with Shen.AI?

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      taking care of health
      Camera-based monitoring on the biggest Polish health content platform

      Medonet is the largest Polish health-content platform. It aims to position itself not only as a platform that informs about health (passive user participation) but also as a platform committed to taking care of health (active user and platform participation). 


      The main challenge was to change the type of participation of the platform in taking care of the user’s health, as well as to increase the involvement of website visitors. The challenge was also to facilitate and accelerate signing up for a doctor’s appointment.


      MX Labs team placed the measurement window with Shen.AI technology as an iFrame in the Medonet article. This solution responded to the need for increased user interaction and supported the goal of active health care through the content platform.

      Signing-up for appointment after measurment

      After the measurement, the user receives his current health results. In addition, we added the possibility of redirecting to the Hello Doctor platform to make it easier for the user to sign up for a doctor’s appointment.

      of users have used iFrame

      The action taken by the user introduces a new habit of taking care of his health through the measurements placed in the article iFrame. This action positively affects the prevention of taking care of health and, at the same time, increases the user’s attachment to the platform.

      views of the article

      The introduction of interactive measurement generated constant traffic on the new subpage of the content platform. The presented data are from 1 month from publishing.

      average user time on the site

      During this time, the user is integrating with the material and additional functionalities (in this case – a possible transition to the Hello Doctor platform for making appointments).

      The Shen.AI technology is a perfect complement to Medonet’s offer. 80% of ours of users search for health information on mobile devices. Majority of them have a device equipped with a camera. So we connect the devices from which our recipients use the most innovative technologies that allow extremely simple way to provide reliable health information from where they do it most often, i.e. in Medonet.

      Diana Żochowska

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