News: Shen.AI ranked #1 for its unmatched accuracy, reliability and inclusivity.
News: Multi-Tonal Sensing Technology, enhances the platform's capability by up to 4X.
News: Shen.AI ranked #1 for its unmatched accuracy, reliability and inclusivity.
News: Multi-Tonal Sensing Technology, enhances the platform's capability by up to 4X.
News: Shen.AI ranked #1 for its unmatched accuracy, reliability and inclusivity.
News: Multi-Tonal Sensing Technology, enhances the platform's capability by up to 4X.
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The Shen Health application is part of the Shen Health Platform, which you can use for business purposes. Check its business potential here
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      Unlock AI Health Monitoring

      Clinically validated software for vitalsigns measurements.

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      Shen.AI SDK

      Integrate the power of remote health monitoring into your digital platform with Shen.AI SDK. This user-centric tool provides clinically validated and accurate measurements of vital signs, including Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, Respiratory Rate, HRV and more.

      Elevate your app or browser experience by offering users an easy, engaging way to track and improve their health, backed by the best UX in its class. Encourage a proactive approach to health and wellness, all within the comfort of your application.

      Shen.AI leads in face-scanning tech for remote vital signs, ranked #1 by ACHA  for its unmatched accuracy, reliability and inclusivity: Discover here

      The Multi-Tonal Sensing technology

      The Multi-Tonal Sensing technology drastically reduces the dependence on lighting conditions, ensuring accurate and reliable readings across a broader spectrum of environments. This advancement is particularly crucial for accurately capturing data from Fitzpatrick skin tones 4-6, enhancing the inclusivity and precision of our health monitoring software.

      This breakthrough at Shen.AI represents more than just a technological advancement; it embodies our commitment to making health monitoring more accessible and equitable. By expanding the usability of camera-based health monitoring, we’re opening doors to better healthcare opportunities for people globally, regardless of their skin tone.

      TRY NOW

      Why choose Shen.AI?

      Inclusivity & Accessibility

      Full spectrum of Fitzpatrick skin-tones

      Clinically Proven Accuracy

      <1 bpm accuracy confirmed by Clinical Trial

      User Experience

      700.000 served scans with 95% completion rate

      Secure & Off-line

      All computations conducted in real-time on user device.

      Number of markers

      24 health markers available


      iOS, Android, Web on Mobile, All browsers



      Many companies are already using the Shen.AI

      Collaborating with Shen.AI has been rewarding, with continuous performance enhancements and responsiveness. The product, crucial to our operations, succeeds in real-life applications with its flexible, transparent design, fostering user trust in the technology

      Yosef (Sefi) Attias

      Founder, Betteryou

      Our experience with MX Labs was smooth and efficient. Their technology can be integrated in a matter of days via their SDK. Beyond their SDK, what truly stands out is their support team and the founders.

      Filippo Nigro

      CEO of Youth, USA


      Integrating Shen.AIs Face-Scanning Technology into our app has elevated our telehealth services by offering precise, remote vital signs monitoring. This aligns perfectly with our mission to provide patient-centered, digital healthcare through our virtual clinic.

      Ondrej Svoboda

      CEO of Dr. Digital, Czech Republic

      Integrating Shen.AI’s health monitoring into Med 24 services, directly increasing our online appointments and marking a pivotal move towards complete online care. This step strengthens our digital healthcare services, making patient care more accessible. It’s a clear path forward for us, and I’m proud of what we’re achieving together.

      Malgorzata Gratys

      Management Director, Med24, Poland

      Trusted by:
      How can I test Shen.AI SDK and/or Shen Health App?

      Fastest and easiest way to test usability and accuracy of Shen.AI is to download Shen Health from the Apple App Store or Google Play and run it with testing codes. Same way you can test Shen Health App. The access codes can be generated by our team.

      However if you need to test Shen.AI in your target environment you may get access to SDK via signing agreement with us.

      What is important to make a good measurement of vital-signs?

      The two factors that are important in rPPG measurement are lighting and stability. Our engineers created top of the line algorithms for stabilization and normalization to achieve the widest possible spectrum of conditions in which measurements can be taken.

      It is like a traditional device like BP-cuffs – there are specific instructions to provide a good measurement.

      What are the Health Indexes?

      Health indexes related to non-medical determinants of health. Risk factors are any attribute, characteristic or exposure of an individual that increases the likelihood of developing a disease or incurring an injury.

      Shen.AI provides Risk of developing atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease within the next 10 years, Coronary heart disease, Stroke, Heart failure, Peripheral vascular disease, Risk of a hard cardiovascular event, Risk of a fatal cardiovascular event within the next 10 years, Coronary death, Fatal stroke, Vascular Age, Risk Score.

      How to use Shen.AI properly?

      For optimal results with Shen.AI technology, follow these simple steps:

      • Sit comfortably in well-lit surroundings (around 400 – 500 lx).
      • Ensure your hardware meets Shen.AI’s requirements.
      • Relax in a seated position for at least 5 minutes before starting your measurement to stabilize your circulatory and respiratory systems.
      • During measurement, maintain normal breathing and keep your head steady. Avoid talking or making facial expressions.
      • Position your face correctly in front of the camera to fit within the screen frame
      • When ready, simply press the START button.

      Don’t rush the 5-minute relaxation; it’s key to accuracy. For more in-depth guidance, download our comprehensive guide on using Shen.AI. 

      How is the rPPG based BP measurement different from traditional “cuff’ based measurement?

      Blood pressure is never constant and can fluctuate significantly over short intervals. Shen.AI measures blood pressure continuously for 60 seconds, yielding an average value. Factors like movement, speech, and cuff-based measurement can impact readings.

      Traditional cuff-based methods capture a momentary snapshot, while Shen.AI provides an averaged 60-second value. Discrepancies between the two methods are normal, with reference devices having an error standard deviation of 3-5 mmHg. Consult a healthcare professional for any concerns. For more information check our guide. 

      How much time is needed to get readings?

      First vital sign, which is Heart Rate, is available in only 5 seconds, the rest for physiological reasons to keep the accuracy are available at the end of measurements in 60 seconds.

      Is it easy for the user to make the measurement?

      Yes, we see over 98% of video-measurement completion rates. Measurement takes only 60 seconds and can be taken in most everyday situations. Moreover, Shen.AI provides a clear user-interface.

      Is it possible to make the measurement shorter than 1-minute?

      Yes, it can be also 30, or 45-seconds, however the accuracy of such measurement will be lower. 

      Can Shen.AI front-end be customized?

      Yes, we have a full customization of all UI elements as well each text can be multi-language. 

      How is it possible to measure vital signs only with a camera?

      Shen.AI analyzes facial skin texture and extracts vital physiological signs in real-time. It applies remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) – to extract information about changes in light absorption on an individual’s facial skin that is reflective of their physiological condition. Such changes are captured within the RGB pixel values of camera frames and converted into various physiological vitals, using remote ppg signals delivered as a remote health monitor application.

      How do you calculate health indexes precisely?

      Health risk calculations are based on the Framingham Heart Study. For example, in the case of cardiovascular disease risk assessment, factors such as age, sex, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and smoking history may be considered. The software may use statistical models and algorithms to analyze these factors and calculate a person’s overall risk of developing cardiovascular disease over a certain period, such as ten years. 

      It’s important to note that any health risk calculation is only an estimate and cannot predict with 100% accuracy whether or not a person will develop a specific condition. Additionally, the accuracy of risk calculations may depend on the quality and accuracy of the data inputs and the particular algorithms and statistical models used by the software.

      It’s always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional for personalized health risk assessments and advice.

      What is the Stress Index and how is it calculated?

      Stress index is computed based on the statistical distribution of time intervals between the successive heartbeats detected during the video measurement. It is similar to the Baevsky stress index but has been adapted for short measurements (1 minute).

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