Camera-based approach to patient with

Take your tele-consultation to the next level and let your patient measure their vital signs in only 60 seconds.

Patients are able to measure vital signs everywhere anytime and build their trends. All results can be automatically provided to the Electronic Health Systems and then analyzed by qualified medical personnel.

Early detection of chronic diseases reduces cost and complexity of treatment.

Meet the expectations of doctors and patients and take better care of your users by adding additional functions to your DTx, saving time and money.

First vitals in 5 sec.
Android, WebRTC*
High stability
Clear documentation
Technical support
smartphone, tablet
or computer
GDPR compliant
ISO 13485*
ISO 27001
The Shen.AI technology is a perfect complement to Medonet’s offer. 80% of ours of users search for health information on mobile devices. Majority of them have a device equipped with a camera. So we connect the devices from which our recipients use the most innovative technologies that allow extremely simple way to provide reliable health information from where they do it most often, i.e. in Medonet.

Diana Żochowska

Save doctors and nurses time, up to 30 seconds per patient, reducing the workload of staff and medical facilities
Gain additional valuable information about the patient’s condition and prepare better-suited treatment
Involve the patient in their treatment and provide them with helpful information to gain their trust
It is easy and fast and accurate way to diagnose and monitor health only with the camera of an ordinary smartphone or laptop without the need for additional equipment.
Health Indices are any attribute, characteristic or exposure of an individual that increases the likelihood of developing a disease or incurring an injury.